Thursday, January 17, 2008

Missy Marlowe Turner Syndrome Effects

colored balls in Piazza di Spagna

Thousands of color balls launched from the steps of Trinita dei Monti, have filled this morning, the English Steps. Author of the gesture is Graziano Cecchini, the same red paint that filled the Trevi Fountain last October.

After the 'launch', which occurred at around 9 am, was immediately the intervention of the municipal police who ordered the closure of the steps, fenced in expectation of Ama for cleaning. Meanwhile, the author was conducted at the police station of San Lorenzo in Lucina.

''E 'a gesture that has a distinct social value. Paraphrasing the Inno di Mameli, 'the brothers of Italy broke the ..'''. p. So Graziano Cecchini ADNKRONOS explains the reasons for the demonstrative gesture. Right and left,''retorts to the electoral law, while there are now too many unacceptable situations - says Cecchini - the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, wiped out entire populations in Africa and, closer to us, the story of waste in Naples and Campania.''

From artistic point of view, Cecchini says,''is a performance that I called 'the dynamics of movement and beauty of color'. And 'demonstrated that the balls make it visible with color movement that otherwise is not. As in the future framework. Showing the movement that has a physical significance to bounce the ball to the end of the movement and the return of stagnation.''

light jacket and hat on his head, on October 19 last Cecchini had thrown in the water of the Trevi Fountain red liquid, leaving close to the historic Roman fountain designed by Nicola Salvi a box with some flyers signed 'FTM Futurist Action 2007'.
this morning was''a fascinating show, which gave the English Steps, "a touch of color" through "a protest fun." So passers-by and shopkeepers who were witnesses to the streets of Spain commented on the launch of the colorful balls. "It 's been a fun thing - says Pasquale Olivieri, a gentleman who witnessed the scene - what better than to break the boxes to the Pope from going to the Sapienza. But if one sees that combine graffiti, all that dirty ...".

"We saw a man throw the balls from the stairway - says Patricia, who works the Tea Room Restaurant in Piazza di Spagna - I thought it was a joke or a form of protest, then we realized that it was the same person of the Fontana di Trevi, usually having fun. It 'been a note of color, a cheerful thing, though in some ways has caused inconvenience. "

"I heard on the radio - says Francesco Bongi Shop 'Byron' - was an organized action, the TV was already here. This Cecchini explains why he does it. The impression is that everything was already organized. " And in fact, explains Claudia Macri, Municipal Police officer serving in the English Steps,''a mountain of around 9 is colored balls was thrown down stairs by invading the whole square "and" at 7.30 this morning there were already journalists who gravitated into the square.'' In fact,''he did not commit crimes - said the traffic warden - but there is a warning procured and must pay the costs for cleaning. It 'been a' show 'striking, but after it's worse, we had to close the place and needed the intervention of the Beloved. At that time there were few tourists and did not understand what was happening, many thought they were filming a commercial. "


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