Monday, January 14, 2008

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Oscar Pistorius: Not the Beijing 2008 Olympics

Oscar Pistorius (pictured) is unable to attend the 2008 Beijing Olympics. This was established by the International federatletica (IAAF), which has made official today the decision on the case bi-amputee South African athlete's legs, after the Paralympic successes, she wanted to compete at the Beijing Games with non-disabled peers.

According to the IAAF, the prosthetics used by Pistorius constitute a violation of Article 144.2 of the Regulation, as they ensure the 21-year old South African''a technical advantage.''

The decision of the International federatletica is based on the report of Professor Peter Brueggemann, a professor of biomechanics at the University of the institution 'in Cologne, and the results of tests performed last November. Prostheses, commonly identified as 'cheetahs' according to the IAAF Council''should be considered technical aids in clear contravention of Article 144.2. Therefore, Oscar Pistorius is not eligible for the competition of the IAAF.

It 'obvious that an athlete using the Cheetah prosthetic is able to run the same speed as the able-bodied, with a lower consumption of energy. An athlete using this prosthetic has a demonstrable mechanical advantage (more than 30%) when compared with someone who does not use the prosthesis.'' Article 144.2 expressly prohibits''the use of all data processing ... to ensure an advantage over athletes not using the same instrument.''

The rejection of the IAAF in all likelihood not be the last episode of the story. The athlete in recent days announced''appeals to the highest levels''in the event of a negative opinion of the International Federation.

tests upon which the opinion of the IAAF were carried out on 12 and 13 November. Examinations have attended by more than 10 scientists. In the two days were used sophisticated equipment, including 12 cameras can record 250 frames per second. The performance of Pistorius were compared with those of able-bodied athletes, in particular, were examined data on maximum oxygen consumption and lactic acid. E 'was also used a three-dimensional scanner to study the body mass of athletes and their anthropometric measurements.
Tags: Oscar Pistorius , Olympics, beijing, beijing 2008


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