Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Agoraphobic Nosebleed Friday Samples

away with the wind and 'storm with the referees

The truce is over about the referees, but the frontal attack on match officials at the top do not like football. And if that is a defense of Cesare Gussoni office of the class, including Giancarlo Abete, Antonio Matarrese, but Adriano Galliani, are designed to give confidence to a renovation project that has experienced Calciopoli accomplice, an acceleration almost unnatural. So after the last turn of the first round who has rekindled the spark anti-whistles the football world grieves for the class "young" and must be made to grow. "We must all give a hand to a group of young men forced to grow more quickly, there was an acceleration of their responsibilities but there is a motion of confidence or no confidence. The primary problem is not de-legitimize our system, "the warning of the President of the Football Federation. Spruce calls "respecting the right to dissent, But do not go well "and that the tones to fall.

E ancheMatarrese while splitting between the understanding required by the head of the league of some of the club presidents angry outbursts for alleged or actual wrongs and the role of institutional arbitration, it moves along the same lines: to enable young people to mature, but without denying the opportunity to criticize their work. "The presidents have a right to complain, but they must not go beyond. Ask a crusade against referees is a serious mistake, "said Matarrese, who is ready to pull out the nails to defend the system he leads from attacks and innuendo. "I understand that the president must raise our voices to reassure the fans - continued Matarrese - I understand their anger, but let no one think of dirty operations in Italian football because the lawsuit. "

So the return of expressions such as psychological subjection are stigmatized as archaic. "You're reading an ancient book with pages," says the chairman of The Hague, Gussoni who does not want to hear about bad faith. "I'm just banality" echoed Matarrese. The recipe to avoid errors that do exist, as admitted by the Gussoni, no. However, the regularity of the championship was not at risk, clear fir. As for the future we can only give confidence to work of Hill that "it is very hard, because let's face it is difficult to make the referee. Our young people are, but there is no alternative. We must make them wrong, "Galliani's words. As to the role of the designated coach no doubt. "He has broad shoulders, but I do not see a better choice. He, too, must grow in the new role, "said Matarrese. "He's doing a work in depth and the Football Federation is pleased to respond to this path."

But there are those who regret the Hill with his whistle in his mouth: "The problem is that it falls more in the field, design, and more direct" words of esteem Bobo Vieri. The defense is way down. So even Gervasoni, who has been accused for the alleged direction of Inter-Parma, is not in the dock. "That penalty would give it too," defends Gussoni. No pause for thought for him to grow with new team of Hill.


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