Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Do U Need To Cook Summersausagea

Meetings with disabilities to Minister Ferrero: It 's the first date

The first appointment 'tomorrow in Florence, the last on March 14 in Aosta. The Minister of Solidarity 'social, Paolo Ferrero, and Undersecretary Franca Donaggio, began traveling to all regions to deal with the organizations representing people with disabilities' and local governments, in view of the third national conference on policies for disabled 'to be held' in June in Turin. Twenty-one meetings will be used to make an audit of the Italian situation, compare and extend the best local experiences, to break the loneliness of people with disabilities', gather ideas for improving the law and assist, finally, the ratification by Parliament of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities' with a discussion around the country. The goal, said Ferrero during a press conference, and 'build a care in order that the "good practices" you generalize, to promote the enforceability 'rights throughout the country and bring about a greater social consciousness. Culture and political practice must be set to 'all people with disabilities' - said Ferrero - can participate fully in social life of the country.


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