Saturday, January 12, 2008

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Smoking is bad, smoking a joint .. worse

Smoking is harmful, but we already knew that. smoking a joint instead of a cigarette, she raises considerably the risk of developing cancer . According to research commissioned by the Canadian government and published in the journal New Scientist, the smoke from cannabis contains ammonia, a chemical highly carcinogenic, twenty times more than in tobacco smoke. The study reveals other disturbing figures: in cannabis are five times greater extent in the tobacco hydrogen cyanide and nitrogen oxide, leading to serious damage to the heart and lungs. Previous studies have already shown that smoking cannabis is more harmful to lungs than tobacco, because it is inhaled more deeply and accumulates in the lungs for a longer period. The Canadian researchers used a machine to analyze the composition of smoke inhalation, with particular attention to nearly 20 hazardous chemicals. And the result is that smoking cannabis contains many more 'toxins than tobacco. "Tobacco is purified and filtered in manufacturing, while cannabis is relatively unprocessed. Therefore, it is a product of more polluting, "noted Richard Russell, a specialist at the Department of Thoracic Windsor. "These findings do not surprise me. The toxins from cannabis smoke cause lung inflammation, lung cancer and many other damages. "
Tags: smoke, smoke , spinel, ,


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