Tuesday, January 22, 2008

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away with the wind and 'storm with the referees

The truce is over about the referees, but the frontal attack on match officials at the top do not like football. And if that is a defense of Cesare Gussoni office of the class, including Giancarlo Abete, Antonio Matarrese, but Adriano Galliani, are designed to give confidence to a renovation project that has experienced Calciopoli accomplice, an acceleration almost unnatural. So after the last turn of the first round who has rekindled the spark anti-whistles the football world grieves for the class "young" and must be made to grow. "We must all give a hand to a group of young men forced to grow more quickly, there was an acceleration of their responsibilities but there is a motion of confidence or no confidence. The primary problem is not de-legitimize our system, "the warning of the President of the Football Federation. Spruce calls "respecting the right to dissent, But do not go well "and that the tones to fall.

E ancheMatarrese while splitting between the understanding required by the head of the league of some of the club presidents angry outbursts for alleged or actual wrongs and the role of institutional arbitration, it moves along the same lines: to enable young people to mature, but without denying the opportunity to criticize their work. "The presidents have a right to complain, but they must not go beyond. Ask a crusade against referees is a serious mistake, "said Matarrese, who is ready to pull out the nails to defend the system he leads from attacks and innuendo. "I understand that the president must raise our voices to reassure the fans - continued Matarrese - I understand their anger, but let no one think of dirty operations in Italian football because the lawsuit. "

So the return of expressions such as psychological subjection are stigmatized as archaic. "You're reading an ancient book with pages," says the chairman of The Hague, Gussoni who does not want to hear about bad faith. "I'm just banality" echoed Matarrese. The recipe to avoid errors that do exist, as admitted by the Gussoni, no. However, the regularity of the championship was not at risk, clear fir. As for the future we can only give confidence to work of Hill that "it is very hard, because let's face it is difficult to make the referee. Our young people are, but there is no alternative. We must make them wrong, "Galliani's words. As to the role of the designated coach no doubt. "He has broad shoulders, but I do not see a better choice. He, too, must grow in the new role, "said Matarrese. "He's doing a work in depth and the Football Federation is pleased to respond to this path."

But there are those who regret the Hill with his whistle in his mouth: "The problem is that it falls more in the field, design, and more direct" words of esteem Bobo Vieri. The defense is way down. So even Gervasoni, who has been accused for the alleged direction of Inter-Parma, is not in the dock. "That penalty would give it too," defends Gussoni. No pause for thought for him to grow with new team of Hill.

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The militants, all dressed in black and face uncovered - among them many women - have waited in small separate groups, the connection with the study. Then the attack all together with knives, after throwing firecrackers and smoke bombs, which have passed the eight security guards and tore down the fences around the 'igloo' and then tearing the surface. One of the boys managed to enter the "bubble" and display a small banner praising the "social mortgage." The reasons for the raids were all about the hundreds of leaflets distributed in the square: "The house is not a game" could be read on the package, reminiscent of the housing emergency in the capital. Upon arrival of the forces order, the group has disappeared. The three would-be competitors - only chosen by televoting fact had the 'ticket' for the House itself - were transferred to Cinecittà.
Meanwhile, in a study aimed Alessia Marcuzzi continued transmission. Italy in miniature and is enclosed in a building with 3 apartments, that represented the eighth edition of the 'GF'. Suspense until the last competitors and, especially, in relation to participation of trans among those who were locked inside the "bubble" of Ponte Milvio in Rome and 19 chosen, who were appointed to take part. Including the Sicilian family of 5 members, 19 years old the youngest participant and 34 of the largest, are 20 possible participants in the Great Fratello8, including Roman and Alice Caligiuri Francesco Botta. Among the surprises that the authors have given to competitors and the public at home, what the production did a newlywed couple, believed to enter the house together, have been confronted with the choice of entering one of the two or none. Eventually he joined her husband will enter the House-Building on this diverse issue.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

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Ratzinger to sleep

day Angelus 'special' has arrived. And in Rome, many are coming in from all over Italy, to express their affection and their solidarity with the Pope obliged to renounce the visit to Sapienza, a fact that is unprecedented in the history of the Republic. It is not easy to predict how many will be, but expect at least one hundred and fifty thousand faithful.
What they tell the Pope? After an appeal by Cardinal Ruini, who invited the Romans to show their closeness to Benedict XVI by their presence in St. Peter's Square, the accessions were multiplied: political and social forces, cultural centers, Catholic associations and movements, groups and organizations. But many, many individual believers and representatives of other religions.
The fear, in those hallowed halls, which is a time of prayer and celebration with the Pope can be interpreted instrumentally as a test of strength and is considered a demonstration against someone. In order to avoid this risk, Ratzinger will dedicate the traditional meditation before the Marian prayer Angelus to the already planned theme of Christian unity, for which he prays in the coming week. Then, in the final farewell, Benedict XVI will address the thousands of people who came to Rome to express closeness and affection, thanking them for their support. All without words to be controversy in reference to the incident of Wisdom, which did make to the university in Rome, the government and the entire country a bad shape before the world. So they were just signs of the Interior Minister Giuliano Amato and the prime minister himself who suggested to Pope that it was better to cancel your participation in the inauguration of academic problems of public policy. Ratzinger has chosen not to go to college doing an act of responsibility, to avoid the feared injury and certainly not motivated by fears for his safety.
is not also decided on moving the venue for the Angelus prayer from his study window of the Pope to the central balcony of St. Peter's Basilica, the blessings of the "Urbi et Orbi." The change, which certainly would encourage greater visibility of the pontiff also because of Conciliation, but would particularly solemnized this Sunday Angelus, already distinctive for the number of those present. It should be noted that this Sunday, the Roman - that seems will be accompanied by beautiful weather - already provided for an increase of participants to a demonstration in favor of Catholic schools.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

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colored balls in Piazza di Spagna

Thousands of color balls launched from the steps of Trinita dei Monti, have filled this morning, the English Steps. Author of the gesture is Graziano Cecchini, the same red paint that filled the Trevi Fountain last October.

After the 'launch', which occurred at around 9 am, was immediately the intervention of the municipal police who ordered the closure of the steps, fenced in expectation of Ama for cleaning. Meanwhile, the author was conducted at the police station of San Lorenzo in Lucina.

''E 'a gesture that has a distinct social value. Paraphrasing the Inno di Mameli, 'the brothers of Italy broke the ..'''. p. So Graziano Cecchini ADNKRONOS explains the reasons for the demonstrative gesture. Right and left,''retorts to the electoral law, while there are now too many unacceptable situations - says Cecchini - the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, wiped out entire populations in Africa and, closer to us, the story of waste in Naples and Campania.''

From artistic point of view, Cecchini says,''is a performance that I called 'the dynamics of movement and beauty of color'. And 'demonstrated that the balls make it visible with color movement that otherwise is not. As in the future framework. Showing the movement that has a physical significance to bounce the ball to the end of the movement and the return of stagnation.''

light jacket and hat on his head, on October 19 last Cecchini had thrown in the water of the Trevi Fountain red liquid, leaving close to the historic Roman fountain designed by Nicola Salvi a box with some flyers signed 'FTM Futurist Action 2007'.
this morning was''a fascinating show, which gave the English Steps, "a touch of color" through "a protest fun." So passers-by and shopkeepers who were witnesses to the streets of Spain commented on the launch of the colorful balls. "It 's been a fun thing - says Pasquale Olivieri, a gentleman who witnessed the scene - what better than to break the boxes to the Pope from going to the Sapienza. But if one sees that combine graffiti, all that dirty ...".

"We saw a man throw the balls from the stairway - says Patricia, who works the Tea Room Restaurant in Piazza di Spagna - I thought it was a joke or a form of protest, then we realized that it was the same person of the Fontana di Trevi, usually having fun. It 'been a note of color, a cheerful thing, though in some ways has caused inconvenience. "

"I heard on the radio - says Francesco Bongi Shop 'Byron' - was an organized action, the TV was already here. This Cecchini explains why he does it. The impression is that everything was already organized. " And in fact, explains Claudia Macri, Municipal Police officer serving in the English Steps,''a mountain of around 9 is colored balls was thrown down stairs by invading the whole square "and" at 7.30 this morning there were already journalists who gravitated into the square.'' In fact,''he did not commit crimes - said the traffic warden - but there is a warning procured and must pay the costs for cleaning. It 'been a' show 'striking, but after it's worse, we had to close the place and needed the intervention of the Beloved. At that time there were few tourists and did not understand what was happening, many thought they were filming a commercial. "

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

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opens the cycle of meetings for SMEs

A series of meetings for SMEs Vulture
Under the Equal project BOA
The partnership of the Equal project called BOA (Basilicata learning organization), underway in Vulture, organized a traveling series of seminars entitled "The agro-industrial district of the Vulture: quality assurance, internationalization, innovation and access to credit."

"We want to develop skills that can sustain, manage and innovate the leading sectors of the territory, and in particular the agro-industry - say the promoters of -. Orient the promotion and create new businesses in the social sector of the Vulture is important. But, before that, it was necessary to meet the needs of existing SMEs. And 'what we did, by administering a questionnaire that allowed us to meet the needs felt by most companies. With these workshops, then, try to reason together on internationalization, the credit quality certifications in optical system - all priorities, according to the PMI - taking advantage of the help of experts at national level. "

The cycle of meetings will be open Saturday, January 19, at Melfi (9.30, assembly room of the municipality), with the conference "Internationalization possible for agri-business del Vulture: the markets to challenge."

Continue to Rionero Friday, February 1 with the meeting: "Technological innovation and application models to agro-industrial district of the Vulture". Next will be the turn of Rapolla, February 15, with "The new RDP fuinanziamento opportunities and access to credit for firms in the Vulture, and Venom, February 29, with "Quality and certification in the food industry." So, in conclusion, March 14 Filiano will discuss "Local products, food safety, biological and sull'ecocondizionalità rules."

A Power, March 29, is scheduled for the final event on the theme "The agro-industrial district of the Vulture in the dynamics of local marketing."

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Meetings for the new socialist party

New Socialist Party: meetings on the referendum

New Socialist Party
15/01/2008 Two months after the referendum Nps announces a series of public debates to promote the question about preference.

March 16 to vote to reduce the preferences of three to one, that the referendum endorses new socialist party unconditionally.
"We want to combat the decline of politics, in our opinion caused by the electoral system - said Antonio Volpinari - The new law did not solve the root node, the foreign vote and we know that thanks to the strings you do combinations and are Heads consortium to manage rating: stars arrive at their preferences and are able to bring into the Council strangers, who maybe has never even a rally, and perhaps many young talented and preparations are cut off. " The New Social
remember that complaints to the exchange rate were also supported by the People's Alliance and United Left, "We want to encourage them - Volpinari continues - for now seem to have forgotten their battles, perhaps because they have a price to pay to stay in government ". Maurizio
Rattini remember that this same referendum was held in August 2003, at a time of holidays, "but the quorum was reached almost a sign that a national think like us. We understand that your loved one bothers to stick heads because they want to continue to manage the party as now, conditioned by the big powers. " And
Marino Serra concludes: "We have collected the necessary signatures in three weeks, and says a lot. Our struggle will always be that the fight against marriage between politics and business. "

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Meetings with disabilities to Minister Ferrero: It 's the first date

The first appointment 'tomorrow in Florence, the last on March 14 in Aosta. The Minister of Solidarity 'social, Paolo Ferrero, and Undersecretary Franca Donaggio, began traveling to all regions to deal with the organizations representing people with disabilities' and local governments, in view of the third national conference on policies for disabled 'to be held' in June in Turin. Twenty-one meetings will be used to make an audit of the Italian situation, compare and extend the best local experiences, to break the loneliness of people with disabilities', gather ideas for improving the law and assist, finally, the ratification by Parliament of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities' with a discussion around the country. The goal, said Ferrero during a press conference, and 'build a care in order that the "good practices" you generalize, to promote the enforceability 'rights throughout the country and bring about a greater social consciousness. Culture and political practice must be set to 'all people with disabilities' - said Ferrero - can participate fully in social life of the country.

Monday, January 14, 2008

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Oscar Pistorius: Not the Beijing 2008 Olympics

Oscar Pistorius (pictured) is unable to attend the 2008 Beijing Olympics. This was established by the International federatletica (IAAF), which has made official today the decision on the case bi-amputee South African athlete's legs, after the Paralympic successes, she wanted to compete at the Beijing Games with non-disabled peers.

According to the IAAF, the prosthetics used by Pistorius constitute a violation of Article 144.2 of the Regulation, as they ensure the 21-year old South African''a technical advantage.''

The decision of the International federatletica is based on the report of Professor Peter Brueggemann, a professor of biomechanics at the University of the institution 'in Cologne, and the results of tests performed last November. Prostheses, commonly identified as 'cheetahs' according to the IAAF Council''should be considered technical aids in clear contravention of Article 144.2. Therefore, Oscar Pistorius is not eligible for the competition of the IAAF.

It 'obvious that an athlete using the Cheetah prosthetic is able to run the same speed as the able-bodied, with a lower consumption of energy. An athlete using this prosthetic has a demonstrable mechanical advantage (more than 30%) when compared with someone who does not use the prosthesis.'' Article 144.2 expressly prohibits''the use of all data processing ... to ensure an advantage over athletes not using the same instrument.''

The rejection of the IAAF in all likelihood not be the last episode of the story. The athlete in recent days announced''appeals to the highest levels''in the event of a negative opinion of the International Federation.

tests upon which the opinion of the IAAF were carried out on 12 and 13 November. Examinations have attended by more than 10 scientists. In the two days were used sophisticated equipment, including 12 cameras can record 250 frames per second. The performance of Pistorius were compared with those of able-bodied athletes, in particular, were examined data on maximum oxygen consumption and lactic acid. E 'was also used a three-dimensional scanner to study the body mass of athletes and their anthropometric measurements.
Tags: Oscar Pistorius , Olympics, beijing, beijing 2008

Saturday, January 12, 2008

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Meat and milk from cloned cattle are not a danger to humans

Meat and milk from cloned cattle are not dangerous and can be consumed by humans. It 's the conclusion of two separate studies of the University' of Connecticut, published in the journals 'PNAS' and 'Nature Biotechnology'. In the first study, in 2005, scientists have shown that meat and milk from cloned bulls and cows falling standards in the industry. The subsequent study of 2007 confirmed the finding.

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Discoveries in Valle d'Aosta those which, according to Guido archeastronomo Cossard are the 'more' ancient star maps exist '. These two groups of shells (ie, signs of a few centimeters in diameter dug by rocky bases in prehistoric times) engraved on rocks depicting storage Pleiades, located near the Plan des Sorcieres in the town of Lillianes
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Smoking is bad, smoking a joint .. worse

Smoking is harmful, but we already knew that. smoking a joint instead of a cigarette, she raises considerably the risk of developing cancer . According to research commissioned by the Canadian government and published in the journal New Scientist, the smoke from cannabis contains ammonia, a chemical highly carcinogenic, twenty times more than in tobacco smoke. The study reveals other disturbing figures: in cannabis are five times greater extent in the tobacco hydrogen cyanide and nitrogen oxide, leading to serious damage to the heart and lungs. Previous studies have already shown that smoking cannabis is more harmful to lungs than tobacco, because it is inhaled more deeply and accumulates in the lungs for a longer period. The Canadian researchers used a machine to analyze the composition of smoke inhalation, with particular attention to nearly 20 hazardous chemicals. And the result is that smoking cannabis contains many more 'toxins than tobacco. "Tobacco is purified and filtered in manufacturing, while cannabis is relatively unprocessed. Therefore, it is a product of more polluting, "noted Richard Russell, a specialist at the Department of Thoracic Windsor. "These findings do not surprise me. The toxins from cannabis smoke cause lung inflammation, lung cancer and many other damages. "
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Cucciola Nuremberg will be the companion Bear Knut


and the Knut-mania was passing, the birth of a female polar bear in a zoo in southern Germany has sparked media frenzy again.
newspapers already see the new born as the future wife of the famous Berlin bear.

"one day become Mrs. Knut?" He asked yesterday, the best-selling Bild newspaper on its front page.

A full-page study shows photos of Knut and "Knutschi" inside a big red heart. An astrologer has described the two dogs, both of Sagittarius, as a "Dream Team" with a high potential for erotic love and planets perfectly aligned.

Like its counterpart in Berlin, which now weighs a ton, the new puppy a month was separated from his mother because the Nuremberg zoo officials were afraid that he could eat it.

now have four to take care of the little fur ball of 2 kg, who needs milk every three hours.

From the town of Nuremberg have indicated that there will be a race Journal to find the name teddy, but one of the men who care told the German N24 television that has already decided what to call it: "For me it Snowflake," said Horst Mausner. "I held in my hand. And 'white as snow. "

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intercepted Japanese whaling fleet in the Pacific

The environmental group Greenpeace announced today that one of its ships was intercepted a Japanese whaling fleet in the South Pacific and is following.

" If you stop to hunt whales, then intervene," he told Reuters the head of Greenpeace Australia Steve Shallhorn. Explaining that the fleet of six Japanese whaling is followed by the Greenpeace ship Esperanza.

"As long as the heel, will not hunt. It 'a kind of marathon that is the course there, "he added Shallhorn.

The Japanese whaling fleet plans to hunt nearly a thousand other whales for research over the Antarctic summer, and has recently given up the hunt for another 50 different specimens after international condemnation and a formal diplomatic protest from 31 countries

Greenpeace has been trying for ten days and the fleet was intercepted in the early hours of today.

On its website, Greenpeace said its activists are ready to intervene with inflatable boats between the harpoons and whales if the hunters begin hunting.

Friday, January 11, 2008

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Perhaps a solution to Alzheimer's?

LONDON - The wife claims that her husband has returned just as before, his son said he had never seen such a transformation is what happened to an English patient suffering from dementia and treated with a drug from Etanercep name, commonly used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. The octogenarian ladies (among other doctor and suffering from a mild form of disease), after being subjected to injections of the drug in the spinal cord, seems to have recovered as if by magic, and within ten minutes, the memory lost. The discovery, sensational as random, it's over the publication the Journal of neuroinflammation, "but now the medical and scientific community is uncertain about the overall efficiency of the results, between skepticism and enthusiasm.

THE EXPERT - The first clue that calls for caution - as pointed out by Professor Stephen Hood, dean of the Faculty of Psychology, University Vita-Salute San Raffaele - is the fact that this is an individual case, So when the striking element may play a role decisive, and that the disease is in the initial phase, which is typical of a progressive decline in memory capacity with intervals of initial fluctuations (if that were to be too frequent and durable cast doubt on the diagnosis of Alzheimer's dementia). In addition, the BBC article reporting the news says nothing about the duration of regained memory and this data is crucial. 'It just still - adds Professor Hood - examine this line of research began for another some time ago, in an attempt to combat the disease by treating the inflammatory aspects of Alzheimer's, reaction to turn the degenerative process. This address was ultimately disappointing, but that does not mean it is not worth insisting and any road, about a disease so serious, it should be covered. " The

ETANERCEP - This medication is used because its part of rheumatoid arthritis, bone disorder so far treated with anti-inflammatory or immunosuppressive agents, and apparently also act on the so-called tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), which chitochina plays an important role in inflammatory processes, but their overproduction may damage brain cells ..

ALZHEIMER - Alzheimer's disease is a progressive debilitating dementia in the world are 26.6 million people who suffer from it (as estimated by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore) and is the most common cause of chronic cognitive impairment.
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died on "re delle'everest", the world mourns

The world mourns Sir Edmund Hillary, the man who rose to worldwide fame in 1953 when he became the first man to climb Everest. "A heroic figure, New Zealand's most famous of the world", called the Prime Minister of New Zealand, Helen Clarke. For the British prime minister, Gordon Brown, was "a genuine hero who captured the imagination of the world." "We lost a great friend of Nepal and a world hero," said Minister of Tourism, Prihtvi Subba Gurung.

The community of Nepalese Sherpas, calling him "Burra Sahib" (great stature, big heart) for his humanitarian work in the Himalayan highlands, where he built schools, hospitals and airstrips, he is remembered as a "second father" and announced that he will dedicate a monument. In homage to the Buddhist tradition, were also held prayers for his reincarnation as a man. The company that ushered in the history dell'alpinimso Hillary was completed May 29, 1953, when he came to the summit of 8,848 meters along with Sherpa Tenzing Norgaylen. Tap the highest peak in the world was a challenge that had tried unsuccessfully for decades the biggest climbers.

Framed in a British expedition, Hillary should not be the first at the top: other companions arrived a few hundred meters from the "roof of the world but were stopped by fatigue and lack of oxygen. After a night of rest, the New Zealand reached the summit along with Tenzing, though, to avoid controversy, it was left to believe that we had come together. Only many years later, the Nepalese Sherpa revealed to the world the truth.

When Hillary was reunited with the rest of the expedition, took off his oxygen mask and uttered a phrase become a legend: "We've beaten this bastard." The conquest of Everest was performed on the same day in London was crowned Queen Elizabeth, which increased the patriotic fervor for the enterprise. Modest and generous, Sir Edmund Hillary had become a "second father" to the Nepalese people.

Hillary has devoted much of his life to helping the Sherpa people of Nepal through the Himalayan Trust he founded, managed to build schools and hospitals. He was also honorary president of the American Himalayan Foundation, a non-profit organization that seeks to improve the ecological balance and the living conditions of the Himalayan peoples. Hillary, who in everyday life practicing the profession of a beekeeper, said he considered his success in the humanitarian field as his greatest achievement.
Tags: everest, Everest Re

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Cinema: White Black &

Cristina Comencini tax has long been among the most significant authors of Italian cinema. The eye is often directed with intelligence and sensitivity to issues of famiglia.Ora with accents mild, between comedy and emotion - "Wedding", "Free the Fish," "The best day of my life" - now look strong and resentful, declared in the folds of the drama, "The Beast in the Heart." Today
does not stray from these themes, but with optics which deals with them also adds, with civilized effort, particular attention to a subject that we talk a lot even if the film is seldom involved in family areas, that of racism. Undramatic, almost thin with appeals to the play, starting, strong and resolute, to be a true love story.
We start with a couple in Rome, Carlo and Elena, with young children. He takes care of the computer, she runs a humanitarian organization for Africa, assisted by a Senegalese intellectual, who is also married with children. That's now his wife, Nadine, she meets Carlo. A game of looks, suspended moments, dominated long-awaited, suffered. Then the explosion, an overwhelming passion, emotional and sexual, that involves them both, though with great hesitation and a lot of guilt complexes. Uncovered, will hoist their spouses, with drastic sacrifices unions who obviously have not tested the rectum. There will also, for Charles is the same for Nadine, an attempt, suffered, to return to the fold, but will not last. That love has defeated them and not let you anymore.
course, there's also a lot of pain, by angry scenes, tears, accusations, but, around, and the race problem makes its appearance almost only suggestive, even in its accuracy of reporting, the love that rules over all is represented almost with levity, smoothing out the tears, they are still present, and privileges in the idea of \u200b\u200beven half a smile. Thanks also to a gallery of characters in appearance only smaller, two mothers, a father, friends of friends, each represented by its color and its mark, especially when it is between those that tend to bring out the problem of racism. Done, however, from a screenplay and a director who can also stay in the most delicate incised, then reflections from a drama that expresses them with thoughtful precision. Charles, resigned, submissive, passionate and painful but Fabio Volo, Elena, is not able to scream, but with high measure, Ambra Angiolini, Nadine is a sensitive Aïssa Maïga. Do not forget, however, background, the two mothers, Anna Bonaiuto and Katia Ricciarelli. Among the keys to the film.

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Strike: Genoa is paralyzed

Genoa paralyzed. To strike. For the strike of metalworkers. Ko traffic, and trains stopped in Brignole station for half an hour. Ie delays that affect for several hours on all railway lines crossing the Liguria. About 500 metal workers have in fact blocked the Brignole station yesterday morning at the event scheduled to seek renewal of the contract.
After doing a protest outside the headquarters of Confindustria, in the vicinity of the railway station, the metal workers on strike throughout the morning, gave life in a march that blocked traffic, and are then entered in the station. The protest on the tracks lasted around thirty minutes. The event was sponsored by Fiom, Fim and Uilm and RSUs of the main factories in Genoa. In
square fell between the other workers at Fincantieri, Ilva, Esaote, Piaggio Aero, Marconi, Siemens, Ship Repair.
The unexpected turn of event, there was around 10.55 am when the workers have occupied the tracks. Moments of fear and tension, even when a train is "forced" through the block between the workers who protested vehemently. At about 11.30 on the metalworkers' protest has moved back into the street, where he was given life in a procession from the Brignole station to Piazza De Ferrari that has come via Fiume and Via XX Settembre, once again blocking the road and causing inconvenience to traffic. The event was then concluded. The blockade of the tracks, from 10:55 to 11:30 or so, but has continued to cause delays to all trains in transit from Brignole.
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Australia and China are the big step: break down the plastic bags

While the garbage emergency in Naples continues on the other side of the world, Chinese and Australian governments decided to reduce the use of plastic bags. Tuesday was on China to make the announcement of the program which will start from the beginning of June and will also include the prohibition of producing ultra-thin bags, to reduce pollution and save natural resources. Today was the turn
dell'Austalia. Environment Minister Peter Garrett said that the decision is important because the plastic bags are damaging to the whole of Australia. "Four billion bags - said Garrett - invade the territory of Australia. Of them arrive at landfills, but most end up polluting the environment, even stormed the beaches during the summer. "
From April the governors of the state government, said the minister, will meet to finalize the plan, which should be launched later this year. Garrett added that Australians would welcome the interruption of the distribution of bags in supermarkets and shops. The minister did not specify, however, if his plan is to completely ban the use of plastic bags or bring their payment. Many other countries are
planning to adopt the same measures to combat pollution. Yesterday, the City of New York approved a regulation to require large stores to hold containers for recycling plastic bags. In other American cities, however, have already banned the bags in grocery stores. In Ireland since 2002 has required the payment of the envelopes by consumers.
The European Union has not yet developed a Community Programme to combat pollution from plastic bags, but individual countries are taking initiatives. In France and Germany, for example, from 2010 should be prohibited the marketing of the bags. In Italy, however, the last financial year provides for the possibility to replace plastic bags with other biodegradable materials of domestic origin ever since 2010.

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Cagliari attack the house of the governor

scenes guerrillas yesterday in Cagliari. Police and police have rejected, using tear gas, thousands of protesters who wanted to launch a protest garbage bags inside the villa by the Regional Governor Renato Soru, as had happened the previous night, when the garden of the house was filled with waste. The police guarding the building and made some charges and some looks stop, preventing the demonstrators had reached the goal. There were also clashes between the crowd rushed to challenge the decision to accept the garbage Soru Neapolitan and some young people who instead were presented on site in support of the positions of President of the Sardinia Region. At midnight the situation was still tense.
No agent can do nothing but to stop the avalanche of text messages of protest that continue to arrive on the mobile phone of the President of the Region. But against Soru do not have only citizens, but also his "colleagues" of the institutions. Yesterday, in fact, a group of mayors of Cagliari has a sit-in in front of the headquarters of the Regional Council, while the first citizens of Cagliari and Olbia, respectively, have been notified and a renewed order of 2006 prohibiting storage and transportation of waste of other areas outside the region, along the same lines of a regional law under which the two senators have submitted a complaint to prosecutors. Meanwhile
to strengthen the front of the 'regions willing "has spent yesterday also the governor of Puglia, Nicki Vendola:" As far as we can, we will give our solidarity to Campania by distributing the burden on the whole. But only for the specified time of 120 days and only for special waste landfills and incinerators. "
The distinctions were confirmed also by the governor of the Lazio Piero Marrazzo, were ready to take in air or Colleferro San Vittore only "waste to burn." The President of the Province of Genoa Alessandro Repetto, while driving a center-junta has meanwhile denied the availability to regional president Claudio Burlando. And woe also came to the President of the Piemonte, Mercedes Bresso: after the Province of Turin, who immediately said no, yesterday was also to show the wedge game. The mayor of Turin Chiamparino, although available, yesterday wrote to the prefect of Naples, Campania have assurances that the equipment in time to do it alone.

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Bush restarts Gesusalemme

The U.S. President George W. Bush, 'arrived in Kuwait, the first step in a journey that will take him' in Bahrain, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. The main purpose of the mission and 'to persuade the Arabs to the international strategy to isolate Iran.

Bush leaves Israel with the promise to return in May, on the occasion of the celebrations for the 60th anniversary of the birth of the Jewish state. And with the goal of continuing to put pressure on Israelis and Palestinians to reach a peace agreement this year.

A visit to the Holocaust History Museum in Jerusalem has opened today the third day of the historic visit of U.S. President George W. Bush in Israel and the West Bank.

The visit to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem, and 'was marked by a strong emotion for U.S. President George W. Bush and that 'before the harvest of the Holocaust memorial with tears in his eyes. Accompanied by President

Shimon Peres, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, the chairman of Yad Vashem Tommy Lapid and the two heads of foreign Condoleezza Rice and Tzipi Livni, Bush, wearing a skullcap, listened to a poem written by Hanna moved Seneca, parachuted into Hungary in 1944 and shot by the Nazis: "My God, my God, this song would never end ....".

Bush, his head bowed and his eyes filled with tears, laid a wreath at the eternal flame at Yad Vashem and said: "I hope that if many in the world will be in this place, it will 'as a warning that evil exists and that if evil is found, we must resist it. " ".. In the face of tremendous crimes against humanity '- he continued - brave souls, young and old, I have to stand firm against what' they believe. "

visit to the museum, an impressive collection of documents on the Holocaust, will be 'followed by a shift in the Galilee for the other two stages cultural and spiritual: a tour of the ruins of Capernaum and visit the Church of the Beatitudes erected in the place where Jesus 'took the Sermon on the Mount. In the early afternoon, Bush will leave 'Israel at a time in Kuwait.

After two days of talks with Israeli and Palestinian leaders the occupant of the White House had presented its vision of a future peace agreement "by 2008" Tel Aviv calling to end the "occupation" of Palestinian territories that began in 1967 (a term 'strong' here in Israel) and emphasizing that the map of a future Palestinian state must 'have' continuity 'territorial'. Furthermore, with regard to the thorny issue of Palestinian refugees, Bush raised the idea of \u200b\u200ban international mechanism of compensation.

In terms of the concessions to Israel, Bush said the Israeli government must 'have boundaries "safe and defensible" and see eradicated the threat of terrorist attacks (starting with the activities' of Hamas in Gaza). The "security" of Israel must be guaranteed otherwise there will be 'peace agreement.

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clean energy, wind power in Florence

Memorandum of Understanding for the installation of Pratolino in the Park (Florence) "Diamond", an experimental photovoltaic system, designed by Enel Research in collaboration with the Universita 'di Pisa. I have signed today the President of the Province of Florence, Matteo Renzi, the Park Director Mediceo Pratolino, Gennaro Gilbert and Head of Research at Enel, Gennaro De Michele. The "Diamond" was created to integrate with natural places of particular artistic importance. E ' geotedica structure consists of a eight-meter diameter size 'gold' (ie after 'the proportions found in nature) made of steel and coated on the upper cap and the side facing south thirty-eight of polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic panels. The electricity produced, to meet the needs of a small apartment building, can 'be used immediately or stored in the form of hydrogen and used at night or when the sun is not there': to this end have been installed inside This original three shell beads are also arranged in a golden position in accordance with the laws of proportion and harmony that govern the forms of nature. All that 'gives the building a great harmony, so much' that is not 'out of place to define the "Diamond" a work of art. Through the agreement, Enel is committed to the realization of which will remain 'property' of the electricity, while the energy produced will be 'free of charge transferred to the Province of Florence and used for the lighting of the park. With the signing, Enel has installed in the courtyard of the Palazzo Medici Riccardi a scale model of the "Diamond" with a diameter of two meters.
The realization of the Diamond is part of the initiatives of Environment and Innovation Project, Enel sees allocate € 4.1 billion in the application and technological development of renewable energy and fits in a project that involves the entities involved to enable virtuous path of dissemination and use of renewable energy sources, as confirmed also by the recent agreement between Enel and Regione Toscana. "We are pleased with this project - said Renzi - that combines technological innovation, environmental and utility ', adding a valuable tool that diamond and green' Pratolino the Park."

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Human Health Risk: Waste emergency in Campania

No harm to human health linked to the current waste emergency in Campania. This ensures that the Health Ministry today in a statement sure to follow "the constantly changing health situation in the region." And to keep even

better the situation under control, the Centers for Disease Control (CCM) of the Ministry of Health has signed an agreement with the Regione Campania for two-year project activity on environment and health. And already the first meeting next Friday at the Regional Department of Health will hold a first meeting. In any case, the ministry reassures the population: "The data available in the Campania Region and the Ministry of Health on notifications of infectious and contagious diseases do not show a trend particularly atypical, possibly attributable to the emergency waste. Similarly - continued - data on hospital discharge records appear to follow the normal seasonal pattern. Not then there are macro-indicators of specific health damage attributable to the emergency of the moment. "

The agreement between CCM and the Campania Region provides a two-year work on environment and health. "The program is divided into three main lines of action. The ongoing review of scientific evidence on the relationship between waste and their handling and risks to human health, including investigation of Italian experiences both positive and negative public exposure to sites of municipal waste handling.

Secondly, "the campaign of informing the population about the proper management of their waste, but also on the scientific evidence on health related to storage and waste treatment. " Finally, "the continuous monitoring of key health indicators of the health system but also ad hoc epidemiological studies." In this project activity is also involved in the Sicily region.

Minister of Health has finally proceeded to set up a working group on Environment and Health, in consultation with the departments of Environment, Economic Development, Transport and Regional Affairs, who will also participate in the regions, provinces and municipalities. "The table - said the ministry Lungotevere Ripa - is designed to meet the different institutional, for synergy between different institutions on the most important issues concerning the relationship between health and environment. Even beyond the current garbage crisis. "

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

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Bush's visit to the Middle East

It is obvious that during the meeting will discuss key issues for peace and for Palestinian state: the borders, Jewish settlements, the status of Jerusalem and the return of Palestinian refugees, but the Iran issue The second important issue that Bush will face. The American president is a great aspiration: to create "a path to peace" that Israel is willing to travel, the statements of Olmert did not leave much room for negotiations with the American tough Iran. The U.S. policy defined in Annapolis, with the help of many diplomats, among which is particularly distinguished Italian, is based on the absolute will to make the next twelve months have witnessed this historic transition that leads from the current truce the peace which is possible with an initiative by several voices.
The determination of the White House is clear and, after the long war - still ongoing - against terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq, Bush wants the meetings to proclaim that peace is a beautiful flower that can be seized and offered for the welfare of the people, but in this extraordinary and dangerous journey of the U.S. President need to be addressed still many, too many obstacles. Peace in the Holy Land is not regardless of detente in the region and it is not possible to involve the protagonists (the Lebanese Hezbollah, Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip, the Sunni extremists in Iraq, the Syrians, the Iranians) without an increase the process of open dialogue of many voices in Annapolis. Nobody can deny the leading role of the superpower United States, a role is necessary but not sufficient.
today in Ramallah and Bethlehem, the American president is likely to be attacked by terrorists of al Qaeda or a multitude of desperate. It is certainly an act of courage and an act of his confidence in Abu Mazen, the Palestinian president, who strongly opposed to Hamas, but it is also a sign of how sensitive the fiber of the canvas that would stabilize peace in twelve months. The story, not just recently, we showed that you can not manage the peace without the participation of all stakeholders. Excessive
optimistic statements likely to exacerbate the situation and, perhaps, you should be pleased if you could get from this trip the sake of new and enhanced understanding between Israel and Palestinians helped the United States. The European Union, in the case, should be ready to offer its good offices.
Tags: bush , visit , meeting, meetings

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Egypt: Death two Italian

said on the Foreign Ministry also confirmed that the names of the victims: Mara Nardi, l ' former teacher in Rome, Matias and Azzi, 80, wife of former President of the Province of Parma, Truffelli Corrado, who was also involved in the accident along with four grandchildren.
The coach hired by the tour operator Kuoni Reisen 29 people, 15 of them were injured, one seriously. The incident
occurred around 16 local and was caused by the unusual fog along the road from Alexandria to El Alamein, which involved a bus in a pile-up: it said a spokesman for the company Kuoni of Genoa, which organized the trip in cooperation with the University of Urbino and is in continuous contact with the Foreign Ministry for help. The group of 29 tourists had left on 4 January with two flights from Milan and Rome and reached Alexandria on a trip, developed with the University of Urbino, the discovery Coptic Egypt, which was to end on 13. The wounded, reports the Kuoni, were admitted to three hospitals in Alexandria and El Alamein. Through the insurance company agreements, the Mondial Assistance, the Kuoni has already set in motion local doctors attached to assist the wounded. The Roman
Mara Nardi, was a former teacher training schools and lived alone in a building in Via Appia Nuova in Rome, as reported by the building administrator, Demetrio Boccanera. "Restricted and well - said she Boccanera - was about 70 years and had no children. While living and working in Rome for 30 years, on the seventh floor of the building at number 107 of the consular road, the ex-teacher, the daughter of a judge, was originally from Trieste, where he went for several months to find relatives including a brother and a nephew. Nardi was the administrator said they want to enter Egypt with a friend.
The accident was a tragic year. On November 1 last year, six members of a family died from Senigallia in Sharm el Sheikh in the Red Sea peninsula. Car accidents are the second leading cause of death in Egypt, where the poor state of maintenance of roads, reckless driving and poor condition of vehicles causing an average of 6,000 deaths and 30,000 injuries a year.
Tags: farnborough , Egypt, Italian ,