Farah, four Italian soldiers killed
- Three Italian soldiers were killed and one was wounded seriously in the area Farah, Afghanistan. The news was given by the Ministry of Defence sources. The soldiers, who were all alpine at 9:45 am local time (7:15 in Italy), were ambushed returning from a mission, while they were in the valley of Gulistan in the province of Farah.In their memory prgehiera
Prayer of the Alpine
on the bare rocks, the perennial glaciers,
jumps on each of the Alps where the
providence has placed us in a true bulwark of our
districts, we purified from having
dangerous task,
elevate the soul to Thee, O Lord, protect
our mothers, our wives, our sons and brothers
away, and
help us to be worthy of the glories of our ancestors
Almighty God, who governs all the elements,
save us, armed as we are of faith and love.
Save us from the unrelenting cold, the vortices
the storm, by the force of an avalanche,
make sure that our foot position on the ridges
dizzy on the straight walls,
over treacherous crevasses,
make our strongest weapons against anyone
threaten our homeland, our flag
our ancient Christian civilization.
Mary, Mother of God, most of the white snow,
you who have known suffering and collected each and every
sacrifice of all fallen Alpini,
you who know and pick up any hope and longing
all Alpine Live and in arms.
bless you and smile to our Battalions
and our groups.
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