Tuesday, October 26, 2010

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

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Farah, four Italian soldiers killed

- Three Italian soldiers were killed and one was wounded seriously in the area Farah, Afghanistan. The news was given by the Ministry of Defence sources. The soldiers, who were all alpine at 9:45 am local time (7:15 in Italy), were ambushed returning from a mission, while they were in the valley of Gulistan in the province of Farah.

In their memory prgehiera

Prayer of the Alpine

on the bare rocks, the perennial glaciers,
jumps on each of the Alps where the
providence has placed us in a true bulwark of our
districts, we purified from having
dangerous task,
elevate the soul to Thee, O Lord, protect
our mothers, our wives, our sons and brothers
away, and
help us to be worthy of the glories of our ancestors
Almighty God, who governs all the elements,
save us, armed as we are of faith and love.
Save us from the unrelenting cold, the vortices
the storm, by the force of an avalanche,
make sure that our foot position on the ridges
dizzy on the straight walls,
over treacherous crevasses,
make our strongest weapons against anyone
threaten our homeland, our flag
our ancient Christian civilization.
Mary, Mother of God, most of the white snow,
you who have known suffering and collected each and every

sacrifice of all fallen Alpini,
you who know and pick up any hope and longing

all Alpine Live and in arms.
bless you and smile to our Battalions
and our groups.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

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Here the public mail sent to the Veneto Region for information and also to the mayor, the councilors and provincial Reionali responsible for the matter, the request for damages suffered as a result of flooding in November 2008 and June 2010, specifies that the City has so far only implemented the recommendations and I have not received reports on the procedures by agencies.

Brichese Michelangelo

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Important notice: I move

this blog address change. See you on http://www.danielebonetti.it/

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Denise Milani In Transparent

And if the dancing in the air hostess

said that the stewardesses are very different from what one would imagine (the proof is not the heel and mezzotacco 12), however, I find it very interesting performance proposed by the ladies of this airline have not found something better to do than cheer the poor passengers.

remains to be seen if it were the business class or not: of course it could be an additional service, in which case the low cost airlines may propose shows very sad, because if you spend little You are not obliged also enjoy.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

How Do You Heal A Inflamed Spleen

Put a web cam in the nest

Big Brother spy birds. Not in the sense most ordinary film, but in the most "natural" as possible. Since 2009, Terna, in collaboration with Ornis Italica, promoted Birdcam, a project which involves the installation of cameras to monitor artificial nests on online Birdcam and Terna the entire breeding season of birds.
The connection through the camera also allows to gather useful scientific information on animal behavior to researchers working remotely.
extraordinary success of the video transmitted from the camera pointed in a jay's nest that has allowed all the fans to follow the 5 eggs hatched and the care of children by both parents. During the period of occupation of the nest was entered by this webcam site specializing in American Earthcam "Winner of EarthCam's Top 10 Cams", a special ranking of the world's best webcams.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Images Of People With Dentures

Park the bike is a risk

Park your bicycle, tying to a pole to the gardens of Via dei Mille, in Brescia, could become a risk. The chain prevents the removal of the frame, but ... in fact, just that. It must be the theory of modular bike: a wheel here, a seat there ...

Dog Drinking Lots Of Water After Pancreatitis

From" Letters to the Editor "de THE PEOPLE

This is a time was the director Bruno Cescon, whom I thank, the diocesan weekly Concordia-Pordenone to give space to my views on the floods that periodically affect our area. The

No 35, October 3 is also visible at the following link

Why Is Animal Menstruation Called Heat

Balotelli not denied: this time in a jail

Yet another demonstration maturation of the talent of Italian football because, let's say, enough is enough to define all the stupid pranks committed by Mario Balotelli that in Brescia, Milan and Manchester it is a combination of all colors, strong of that golden "I have given everything," and an economic asset that can allow him to destroy the cars, pay local and all that follows.
Yesterday went to prison in Cabbage (as reported by Bresciaoggi in today), south of Brescia. How? He saw the gate open and wanted to see what was inside and has seen fit to park his car inside the house 'imprisonment may not know that you do not is a monument or a museum but a safe area where that yellow sign with black lettering "impassable limit" is not a form of decoration. Sometimes, if you do not have analytical skills, just read. I wonder if he felt the same overwhelming desire to "know" passing in front of the Arena di Verona, Santa Giulia Museum of Science and Technology in Milan.

Friday, October 1, 2010

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be a threat when a cat has a habit

I only heard this morning of 'ambush stretched to the Director of Free Maurizio Belpietro , Brescia-born correspondent for Bresciaoggi before migrating to other lands. Reading what happened, of a man wearing a shirt similar to the one supplied with the GDF, the shots to put him on the run, I'm thinking that maybe you're really touching the bottom. Or rather, that the bottom is deeper than it seems.
That said, I think we Maurizio Belpietro is not exactly the most friendly and accommodating person who walks on Italian soil, but in any case with a professional who carries out his ideas on the end that always direct. It made me especially after the ambush in Milan, the statements Belpietro: "I live under guard for 8 years, I'm used to the threats but did not think they could get to this point. It seems to me something more than a threat." Can
, a journalist, be accustomed to the threat? Maybe we should do a reflection on the meaning of the class, composed, according to Mayor Oscar Lancini Adro, " from unreasonable people." I would not want the hunt easy target (the press always looking for shots for effect), at a time in which divert attention from the pivotal events of the country is a priority issue, has become a pleasant diversion.
Getting used to the threat, is one of the worst things that can happen in a country that calls itself civilized and democratic.