The stable, Luca Dal Monte. A wonderful read
I just finished reading the novel by Luca Dal Monte, current Maserati press secretary. "The team" is the title, tells a spy story set in the '30s and resting on the rivalry between Ferrari and Auto Union for supremacy on the eve of motoring World War II.
are outlined in the book of world splendidly historical figures, from a Rosemayer Nuvolari, Varzi from flour. We could not miss the great Enzo Ferrari, as the fog of Modena and the female component, with a "femme fatale" which actually stands on its own the yellow plant of the novel.
deserves to be read: for car enthusiasts is a trip back 70 years and also an opportunity to learn, or just dreaming, a time engineering that no longer exists.
sale in bookshops, published by Baldini & Castoldi: a cover price of 18 €.
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