Thursday, September 30, 2010
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And then they wonder why I do not like cats: they are dangerous animals, I have always said, the rest have the feline character.
In any case, the cat in the video seems a bit more ferocious than the average of its peers. I do not know if it depends on the cage, from the camera or simply by its being an animal. Mah ..
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
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The beach beyond the glass and the fish on the table. The restaurant Teresina, Viale Trento, Cesenatico, a few meters from the tower, 200 meters from the port channel, it is undoubtedly a place to taste the fish at reasonable prices.

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Dear reader,
do not think she needs a doctor. But effective leaders and administrators.
is they and they alone who can heal the state of his anxiety and his family. Creating works that finally put away the land from the risks of flooding continues.
Veneto is one of the richest regions of Europe and perhaps the world. And 'it possible that a shower is enough to send some intense underwater entire countries?
Roberto Papetti
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
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would like to put one aspect of attention that is rarely discussed after the disastrous flooding caused by atmospheric phenomena defined by institutions such as natural disasters. Of course as a result of open-mindedness which is an urbanized area, such as the eastern Veneto, neglecting, in the design first and then the issuing of building permits, the basic rules of protection of the territory in favor of a pure economic profit in the infrastructure costs paid by private primary and secondary was going to fill the municipal coffers and the money instead to increase the portfolio of investors. In the area I live in the houses have no basements and my walking level is as high as 50 cm higher than that of the public highway. The lack of attention paid to the appearance in the last thirty years by the entire hydraulic system (Freelancer-Local Government-Reclamation Consortium - Consortium Aqueduct) contributed to the emergence of fact, also the frequency of emergencies has difficulties in an area that was protected by our grandparents through the works of maintenance and routine maintenance of the reclamation. I will not in the detail of who is to blame it on the subject of damages nor where those damaged is involved in the most beautiful board game designed by the Italian government called the "blame game". I want to highlight the biological damage caused to the undersigned, his wife and, above all, her two children. The disturbance, a state of anxiety as a result of flooding is ingrained in our minds, now every weather event of a certain intensity we live in fear, nervousness and even that does not bring peace of mind with respect for that system that has helped make great, dramatic natural phenomena of exceptional intensity that although so far only have caused flooding, and not repeat flooding floods in our region well remember the effect.
How can we be compensated by the interrupted sleep at night because the four had a simple shower to a summer storm - autumn and spring, forces us to see if this results in flooding to homes? I want to stress that it is precisely in this period that the ruling class of the last thirty years shows its shortcomings.
efficiency administer and govern a territory, the ability of men and women, regardless of their political affiliation, which should have shown the ability and above all have at heart the common good before the protection of private interests are missed.
They do not go the current cuts due to the Stability Pact, the economic-financial problems, with the subdivisions where the land is urbanized are dated and there are now as money was for the safeguarding of Venice , to Moses, for the financing of the Plan of Reorganization of The Plumber's Health Livenza, the Cinema-Theatre of San Stino Livenza, etc. ..
I only ask cure the new disease or "anxiety from flooding caused by rainfall of exceptional importance which are no longer governable" of which I and my family are healthy carriers since November 2008.
Waiting for a friendly response from the institutions in charge.
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pirlo The source is typically Brescia and then I realize that, out of our province, import costs could somehow cause the increases. But in Cesenatico, Garibaldi bar, harbor area, they have really gone too far.
Four Pirlo, with four slices of salami, olives and chips were served at the modest sum of € 24: right, almost 20 percent more expensive than the square but Arnold of Brescia, where, if I may, the "Mangiarino" is much better. That said the pirlo was decent, at least have spared the Campari still paid its weight in gold.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
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A mega-project to fix an area of \u200b\u200bDesenzano, which remains the same for 50 years and, honestly, would need accommodation.
This is the part of the beach between Lakeside Press, one of the most important of Desenzano, where most of Desenzano would learn to swim (my generation has done to public swimming pools, arrived only in 1988). I read in The Journal of Brescia's idea to create a platform that floats on the palisades, on a stretch of 700 meters (from Feltrinelli until Desenzanino substantially) from entering the lake for about ten meters, creating a pattern wave, a platform of 7500 square meters to be used as I do not know what. Difficult to become a beach, more likely to remain a big walk and, perhaps, a large solarium, especially in the area to the Desenzanino.
Personally I do not want to go into detail and make an environmental shift: it is certain that, as a citizen, I am sorry to see "Covered, deleted" a part of the lake. On the other I'd also like to see the area better prepared to date with the reality of Desenzano. After all, similar operations (think of Sarnico, but also in Riva del Garda) have yielded results quite interesting. I remain doubtful, pending on an idea take shape and substance.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
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I just finished reading the novel by Luca Dal Monte, current Maserati press secretary. "The team" is the title, tells a spy story set in the '30s and resting on the rivalry between Ferrari and Auto Union for supremacy on the eve of motoring World War II.
are outlined in the book of world splendidly historical figures, from a Rosemayer Nuvolari, Varzi from flour. We could not miss the great Enzo Ferrari, as the fog of Modena and the female component, with a "femme fatale" which actually stands on its own the yellow plant of the novel.
deserves to be read: for car enthusiasts is a trip back 70 years and also an opportunity to learn, or just dreaming, a time engineering that no longer exists.
sale in bookshops, published by Baldini & Castoldi: a cover price of 18 €.
Friday, September 24, 2010
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The city does well. This follows from a study conducted by a team of British researchers who, after a series of tests, they would discover how the people in big cities would have a variation in DNA that make them more resistant to diseases such as tuberculosis and leprosy.
Now, said the research, as scientific, it will certainly some truth, I wonder if you do not take into account other parameters to define a city as you are well. I refer to the stress caused by the frenetic pace, smog, the ease with which the individual can not be perceived. In other words, I think, in the metropolis, is difficult to fall ill with tuberculosis, but very easy to live in solitude or suffer ill health.
few days ago, to work, I was in a village of 700 inhabitants over the city. Grandparents walking down the street at a pace unthinkable, the benches were all full. In one of the country's two bars, a glass of wine lasts almost an hour. Unthinkable: a sort of tribute to slowness. Perhaps the remnant of absence from the pace I'd like to take refuge in urban lot. Last but not least important, in that small town does not pick up the phone, a personal disaster for the contingency strattemente, a boon for those who want to escape rhythm which we have become accustomed, but honestly that define healthy I think frankly an understatement.
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I tried a brand new dining experience: no restaurants, no guide books. Only the curiosity that drove the purchase, in Trentino, a bag of smoked trout.
After removing it and filleted, to be eaten so, without being cooked: the taste is very pleasant, smoky yet delicate, next to the last tomatoes harvested in the garden. In keeping with my personal tradition I have paired a Lugana wine of my country. On the retry, shame that I come from (Brescia) is not at all easy to find. In fact ... those who have them give me suggestions ....
Thursday, September 23, 2010
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do not know when to see happen again the second Brescia in Serie A. I do not know, maybe in the next goubileo, maybe ever. Certainly, however, makes a nice effect to see the great band of Iachini, balanced and wise leader, just behind Inter.
I know it's a dream. Why can not last, because the values \u200b\u200bare more and charts, beautiful, creepy, is the result of a lucky start to the season (read Russian referee) and features a super goalkeeper capable of ensuring by only 4-5 points in 4 games. Too much to think that they are the foundation to build a game that hard.
There will be pain, for now the Brescia is just outside of the dream. Do result in Bari else would sap a team that has yet to grow. To get closer to the door and, maybe, just showing. Aware that other values \u200b\u200bare
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The Province of Venice published the announcement for the award of work, October 14, 2010 will open the envelopes containing the tenders .
Finally .....
Here's the link. = Action and portal: isSecure = false & RemoteDetail UIComponent = & op = viewDocument & objectID = production: / cms / dynamic / province / office / service / administrative / gare-appointments /% SP 2042. 20Passerella%
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Michelangelo Brichese
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010
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Who do not you expect it. The Director of British Wired , David Rowan, has a Facebook profile and even another socialnetwork. Beyond its specific role of director of a magazine that aims to explain the technology and web 2.0 to the rest of the world, they reflect the reasons which he alleges that his silence in social. And perhaps not just in the wrong even if today, with 500 million users, is in the minority.
Here are 6 reasons for his "Facebook no thanks."
1. Private companies are not your interests
Facebook and Google is a company created to make money by giving the opportunity for advertisers to know exactly what you like and what not, access your like, interests, pictures and social connections. This explains the complexity of the various privacy settings. For example, the disclaimer on the privacy of Facebook in English has grown from 1,004 items in 2005 to 5,830 today (and, as pointed out by the New York Times, the U.S. Constitution has 4,543). Rowan admire the empire set up by Mark Zuckerberg, but does not trust him.
2. Internet does not forget
"When you're young, you make many mistakes and stupid things," said Obama from a high school student in Virginia. "Be careful what you posted on Facebook, because anything you do in the era of YouTube can be pulled off in the future." We all need room to grow, make mistakes and change. As the writer said Jaren Lanier, where Robert Zimmerman - A kid from a small town in Minnesota - had Facebook, New York would become the Bob Dylan?
3. The information you give to something, will be used for something else ... I
database with our information are intersecting more and more. Rowan is an extreme example, but not too much you order a pizza by phone and the computer that the order will also have access to your resume, you've got the votes in the past, loans in the library. And the clerk of the pizzeria will offer options based on the results that read like a pizza with tofu if you're fat. And polls show that that 35 percent of companies refuse applicants for the information they find on social networks.
4. ... And there is good possibility to be used against you
Mark Zuckerberg might say that a more transparent, "you have one identity, and are about to end the days when you have different masks for your colleagues and for the other people you know. " But this is only one side of the coin: a vengeful ex-partner (or avenging), a fellow competitor or a political opponent could see your information to harm you, thus shaping your identity dishonestly.
5. Then do the casino, and give more information than we would like
is very simple, we often make mistakes and you can publish something private without notice. To understand how, Rowen recommends a visit to and a quick search for phrases like "Cheated on my wife" or "my new mobile number is" ("I cheated on my wife" and "My phone number is") .
6. And oltrettutto, sell a company because their conversations?
One day you will read those 5,830 words and you will see that Facebook has the right to do pretty much whatever he wants with your data, including selling it to anyone who pays enough. Yes, says Rowan, Facebook is free, but with half a billion people who use it is time to ask what he is doing good or bad for society.
Honestly I share very little ... but certainly raises questions that deserve to be studied even if the "better late than never" does not tie to a colossus like Facebook.
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Signed by: MichelangeloBrichese .
In Italy sometimes sprout initiatives, by regulations, incentives aimed at reforming and developing the economic growth so as to encourage consumption. I refer to the modernization of the citizen-to-public administration with the introduction of certified mail, the introduction of the "Housing Plan" which was to see simplified procedures for streamlined building procedures, finally, support, in the energy of renewable energy sector with the creation of the Incentive Scheme "Account-Energy." However, it is a good start with the theory (the legislation), Italian, only to run aground in front of the practice or the bureaucratic machine that in fact holding back efforts, does not allow the economic growth required the development of a collective welfare. How slowed efforts?
An explanation by the constant intervention of politics in the years after '60, the years of the famous economic boom, rather than act as a social actor regulator, as in that period, the pivot of a balance between the market and civil society. A person can be in possession of tools that allow a reading of the global socio-economic scenarios to be able to take measures minimum and non-invasive. Instead of following this path, the policy has become the subject of an active market, mainly with different successive appointments over the years (subdivisions, the spoyl-systems) in public agencies and business and finance have created a state in which the Civil Service is exempt from, any, responsibility except to obey the policy and have thus created conflicts of interest in horizontal and vertical hierarchies, which create short circuits that cause the brake to economic growth of a country called Italy. Think of the bureaucracy as a raw material, as a primary source in this case it would be Italy, on the first step of the podium from the major world powers.
Monday, September 20, 2010
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Malitalia I read, the web site below, the post by Laura Aprati, a friend, fellow journalist, who was released a year ago in the library with the documentary book (attached was also a DVD ) about the Mafia Ndrangheta, Camorra and more. The book is a series of investigations, interviews with men, women, police officers and police. In his latest post
Laura tells the presentation of his book, written together with Enrico Fierro, the International Festival of Literature Berlin: questions emerge in his narrative, reflections, but also the rebellions of those who did not want, and Italian migrated abroad, that Berlin would become as Casal di Principe. In the end, however, is a bit of anger to see how a small community of Italians in Berlin has created a movement and a view that we, here in Italy, we have not been able to create. By creating large vacuum bubbles.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
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As anticipated on Bresciaoggi, here is the location of the Mille Miglia 2011 edition, the famous evocation of the legendary motor race from 1927 to 1957 has created a myth. The event should
from Brescia Thursday, May 12 to get to Desenzano, Sirmione, Peschiera, and then Guidizzolo Ostiglia before passing from Ferrara (the real news of the route) before closing the first stop in Bologna.
Friday, 13 cars will leave Bologna, and San Marino, Saint Sepulchre (lunch), Umbria, Spoleto, Terminillo before the big descent to arrive in Rome where he hung with Castel Sant'Angelo.
the last day of the course should not vary from tradition: from Rome to Viterbo, Radicofani, Siena, Florence, Futa, the Raticosa again before crossing back to Bologna and Brescia after the last touch Modena, Parma and Cremona. For
Brescia will, as always a big party for four days and will enliven the city center on the road thousands of Brescia to revive one of the trademarks of culture made in Brescia.
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The crew Brescia Vesco-Guerin on the Fiat 508 of 1934 Nuvolari won the trophy by a whisker ahead of the crew Passanante Sicily-Messina. In third place, but because the authors moral winners of a race with the least number of penalties, the couple Fortin-Pile. Only a quarter eve of the big favorites, Giuliano Cane as a couple with his wife Lucia Galliani.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
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After 35 trials, and the caravan almost in the finishing straight in Rimini, in command of the Trofeo Nuvolari there is always the Brescia Fortin (82 penalty) before the much valtriumplino Vesco (123 penalties) and Julian Cane Bolognese (137penalità). Instead he lost contact with the lead from Brescia Cibaldi although the differences (each participant can cancel the worst test) could further shuffle the cards back in the race is doing that Cibaldi Moceri, lingered with his Alfa Romeo Museum in Arese.
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After 20 tests in the lead of the United Premio Nuvolari Brescia crew consists of Fortin-fleece on the Fiat 600 of 1957. The crew totaled 49 penalty on Sebino 20prove Adorni-ahead Raimondi (71) and Vesco-Guerin (75). Fourth-ranked Galliani Cane (80) and Costa Cibaldi-resistant in areas with a high of sixth place result 84 penalty.
In the evening, after passing the circuit Montenero (Livorno), the caravan will reach Rimini already behind with 40 of the 50 special stages planned.
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E 'party yesterday and will end tomorrow Gran Premio Nuvolari , the second-biggest race, the Mille Miglia reserved for historical cars. At the start there are all best, a dog, winner of the Red Arrow to Fortin, winner of the Trofeo Lumezzane valid for the Italian league. Ferrari also in the race, Moceri, Cibaldi, Salvinelli, Hubs, Sanchez and the Argentine Rampello, according to Lumezzane surprised just two weeks ago.
After punching in Mantua, yesterday evening the cars arrived in Pisa, after 15 special stages Fortin was in command on a Fiat 600 of 1957 in front of Sanchez (Amilacr of '26) and Raimondi (Bmw328 stable Loro Piana) . Cibaldi while the fourth dog was still in sixth place even after only fifteen tests. Some problems that I have no news at the time they stopped Moceri, in 105th place overall and with a lot of penalty points accumulated on the CISA.
The ranking in real time you can follow it on the website of the race, following each step chronologically and then being able to reconstruct the evolution of the penalty after penalty stroke. Tonight, the machines will arrive tomorrow in Rimini and Mantua will return to completing the 50 special stages. Updates will follow.
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Friday, September 17, 2010
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After all, there's always a first time. And he, Guana Roby, he knew that sooner or later would come, strongly wanted: the right of the player, to compete against the team that has grown up to the series A, by reason of the heart, the fans, from Brescia thoroughbred, that that 'the blue shirt with white V "at the bottom have it tied around the heart, in spite of always too hasty judgments, of what has been done and not said, what, in many if not understood .
Roberto Guana, 29, of the Hill Capriano boy grew up with the stigma of modern playmaker became established playing twenty yards further back, the Brescia has not seen him: from that day in March in which with Lele Adani gave birth to one of the most dramatic gestures that history blue-white memories. Via Brescia, away from Brescia: Still six months, then Ascoli, newly promoted to Serie A, while three hundred kilometers, the Brescia, spread by Maran and a series B 'earned' by a single point of difference. Then, after the exhilarating experience of the Marche, here in Sicily, a land that gives warmth to those who are cold and fog. And Guana is ready to take on tons: conquest and Palermo Palermo, play, do not ever marks, hand spun by Zamparini coaches but he is still in place. Until loan Bologna: Guana "found" a piece of Brescia, Emiliano Viviano who was the third goalkeeper biancoazzurro when Guana was the owner of the midfield. Another season as a protagonist, one goal only, but enough to get into the heart of Bologna. Meanwhile, with the blue shirt that Brescia and the white V, built by a coach that a player like him so much, back in Serie A. The summer passes, Guana arrives at Chievo, a family, a society that hardly misses and goal programming. The circle will close in the challenge to Bentegodi: in his eyes, that blue shirt with white V that has worn for ten years, from youth to Serie A. 'El Tigre', as he had renamed the Roberto Baggio, in front of the Lioness. After all, it had to happen.
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Thursday, September 16, 2010
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In Italy sometimes sprout efforts both in regulatory incentives aimed at reforming and developing the economic growth so as to encourage consumption. I refer to the modernization of the citizen-to-public administration with the introduction of certified mail, the introduction of the "Housing Plan" which was to see simplified procedures for streamlined building procedures, then support, in the energy, the renewable energy sector with the creation of the Incentive Scheme "Account-Energy."
However, a good start with the theory (the legislation), Italian, only to run aground in front of the practice or the bureaucratic machine that, in fact holding back efforts, does not allow the economic growth required the development of collective well-being.
How slowed efforts? An explanation by the constant intervention of politics in the years after '60, the years of the famous economic boom, rather than act as a social actor regulator, as in that period, the pivot of a balance between the market and civil society. A person can be in possession of tools that allow a reading of the global socio-economic scenarios to be able to take measures minimum and non-invasive.
Instead of following this path, the policy has become the subject of an active market, mainly with the various appointments in successive years (subdivisions, the spoyl-systems) in public agencies and business and finance have created a State in which the Civil Service is free, whatever, but obedience to the liability policy and have thus created conflicts of interest in horizontal and vertical hierarchies, which create short-circuit that Because of the drag on economic growth of a country called Italy.
Think of the bureaucracy as a raw material, as a primary source in this case it would be Italy, on the first step of the podium from the major world powers.
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Michelangelo Brichese
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Here's the video of the verbal clash between Arrigo Sacchi, former coach of Milan, Italy and Real Madrid, and Zlatan Ibrahimovic, decisive victory for the Rossoneri sull'Auxerre Allegri. Certainly Swede did not look good and do not even think about it can be, for example for those many children who have asked parents the number 11 shirt of AC Milan as a reminder of their idol. That, perhaps, could also understand that as a star of world football is subject to criticism from everyone, even the fundamentalists as Sacks, a striker who loves useful to the team than the star of first magnitude (Sacks wanted to give Van Basten Jonny Bosman both to understand). In any case, the good Henry has full right to criticize. Like all the rest.