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Letters to THE NEW January 22, 2011 - page 33
What we need is a government
In this Italy compressed between the official celebrations - the 150th anniversary of the birth of a unitary state - and private banquets in the public interest, having regard to the tam-tam media aroused by yet another judicial inquiry against the prime minister, there has been a characteristic of the political Italic becomes, immediately, the main protagonist in the televised debates in each hour in each channel of forgetting its real mandate, namely the protection of the collective.
Now that would never be a useful signal brave, serious and responsible to the political establishment and the signal can and must only come from a popular consciousness that put an end to this impasse, which although has made tangentopoli the birth of the Berlusconi is also true that no government in the last two decades has actually really reformed the country.
citizens are harassed by a bureaucracy paradoxical, to be inefficient and ineffective judicial system where justice is not made. These are the real problems that should solve a ruling class, the people in these times (see the case of Tunisia) begins to trigger the moment of truth, it starts with making them aware of their own strength and that is why they are always the most many subjects, protected by our Constitution, which organized fighting the system just so you can change.
In what way you ask, simply replacing the institutions that are no longer the home of the city as more and more involved in power struggles that departs from reality.
Michelangelo Brichese Caorle
THE GAZZETTINO - Page 24 - LETTERS & Reviews
Sunday, February 6, 2011,
Justice snail on the shoulders of the citizen
In a democratic civil society, when we turns to an attorney for any issue should receive clear and transparent information on all the procedures in place before starting legal proceedings. There is much talk of reforming the justice process short, it calls for the certainty of punishment, all slogans ... but we are sure that in a litigious country like Italy where there are 230,000 lawyers well (on average one every 260 inhabitants) wish streamline procedures through various methods of conciliation in order to eliminate a proliferation of initiatives proposed by the majority of lawyers for the unfortunate customers to turn? The controversy arises from the misfortune of those who, like myself, have experienced on their own court proceedings Civil where the decision at first instance was given after 7 years. Not by the merits of the award, but I want to expose an aspect of which little is heard about the destabilizing effect that the person suffers physically and psychologically, especially when we read that "justice is a service, addressed to the citizen" or " justice is administered on behalf of the people. " There is no clarity on the timing of the procedure, there is no transparency on costs and professional fees of court, etc ... The city also sees the theater in which the media daily political representative, the judiciary and that of ' advocacy, in turn expose solutions and how to reform the judicial system.
Brichese Michelangelo - The Health of Livenza
In this Italy compressed between the official celebrations - 150th anniversary of the birth of a unitary state - and private banquets in the public interest, having regard to the tam-tam media aroused by yet another judicial inquiry against the prime minister, there has been the characteristic of Italian political world becomes, immediately, the main protagonist in debates television every hour in each channel of forgetting its true mandate or the protection of the collective. Now that would never be a useful signal brave, serious and responsible to the political establishment and the signal can and must only come from a popular consciousness that put an end to this impasse that although tangentopoli has given rise to Berlusconi is also true that no government in the last two decades has actually really reformed the country. The citizens are oppressed by a paradoxical Bureaucracy, by inefficient and ineffective judicial system where justice is not made. These are the real problems that should solve a ruling class, the people in these times (see the case of Tunisia) begins to trigger the moment of truth, starting with the make them aware of their strength and that is why you are always the most numerous participants, protected by our Constitution, which organized fighting the system just so you can change. In that way you ask, simply replacing the institutions that are no longer the home of the city as more and more involved in power struggles that departs from reality.